David Avazzadeh is a self-taught photographer, currently based in Vienna; his work appears within the recurring setting of various natural environments. From 2015 he made a series of trip to the Dolomites, where he created “Force Majeure”, a series of disconnected interventions, staged arrangements and encountered alienations framed against the backdrop of the Alps.

Taking as inspiration the ‘optical phenomena’ of the mountain range, the photographer captured a collection of images that intervene with the vast landscape, both physically and in post-production. Avazzadeh says “Applying familiar representational motifs in addition to physical and digital interventions, the process of viewing is invited to shift onto the production as well as the subjective visual reception and perception of the individual image.” and explains a desire “not only to capture the mystical beauty of nature but to break with preconceived ideas of beauty, realism and truth.”

Visit David’s page and follow him on Instagram!

(via ignant)

All Rights Reserved to David Azzadeh

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