We already seen a 3D printed dress with the kinematic one, but this time we show you an entire fashion collection:
Danit Peleg is a fashion designer, for her graduate project at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Israel, she created an entire collection using 3D printers at her home. With the help of Tel Aviv 3D-printing lab TechFactoryPlus and the XLN community she spent 9 months of research and developement, and more than 2000 hours to print, about 400 hours per outfit. The outfits, inspired by Andreas Bastian’s Mesostructured Cellular Materials were made using FilaFlex filament & Witbox home printers. By printing these structures with soft materials, Danit created new textiles that she could design fashion with.
All Rights Reserved to Danit Peleg
(via contemporist)