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Search Results for: city 15 minutes

Linee D’ombra: Rethinking The City Together

One of the major challenges cities face, exacerbated by global warming, is the presence of urban heat islands (UHI). These are areas where temperatures are significantly higher than in surrounding regions — sometimes even harmful to human health. Such areas can include walkways, bus stops, avenues, and squares, which become nearly uninhabitable during the hottest…

Top/flops Album Covers – November 2015

Ok, listening to brand new music is so good but how can we relax completely between awkward, ugly and trashy covers?!? This little and ironic monthly column starts today and will be available on Wevux each first Saturday of  the month, presenting Top&Flop5 brand new album covers. OUR FAV_TOP 5 November had a huge release of new covers…

Gala Del Porno Vs Met Gala 2015

Non so se le avete viste, ma la scorsa settimana su Facebook sono circolate delle foto che comparavano l'abbigliamento delle pornostar presenti al Gala del Porno, e quello delle celebrities del Met Gala. La cosa divertente è che ovviamente le dive del porno appaiono molto più sobrie ed eleganti di quelle di Hollywood. Beyonce, Kim…