Originally from Paris, Jules Tardy is a graphic designer and director based in New York City. He led the team behind the fantastic visual identity for Archer Farms Coffee. The team was composed by Collins Agency, designer Flora Chan and illustrators Adrian Johnson and Tom Haugomat, among others.
This is an identity project realized two years ago (2015/2016), but its aesthetics and graphics are still catchy and fresh. A playful and colorful approach that results in an elegant and strong branding.
Jules Tardy said on his page: “…As we know, coffee is a complicated category for guests to navigate; not only are there a number of cues that must be taken into account across flavor, roast and origin, but beans and single-serve cups also sit tightly packed, side-by-side on shelf. We worked with our Target partners to develop a design system that tells a genuine story, bringing the inherent Archer Farms product and provenance qualities to life. We wanted to encourage guests to make easier comparisons between the range of products in the aisle. The unified grid system at the top of each bag clearly indicates key attributes across name, flavor cues and origin. We invited a number of international illustrators to create a scalable, custom solution to showcase the varieties of coffee, emphasizing how and where the beans are grown…”
All Rights Reserved to Jules Tardy