The House of the Year title – formerly known as the RIBA Manser Medal – is awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for the best new house or extension in the UK. Architects James Macdonald Wright of Macdonald Wright Architects and Niall Maxwell of Rural Office for Architecture completed the winning project, Caring Wood, earlier this year.

“This ambitious house explores new architectural methods, materials and crafts and allows us to question the future of housing and the concept of multi-generational living,” said RIBA president Ben Derbyshire. “I’ve no doubt many of the ideas displayed at Caring Wood will influence UK housing for many years to come.” They said the design, which sees the extended family share living spaces arranged around a central courtyard, offers solutions for the UK’s housing crisis, allowing families to share the load of childcare and allowing family units to remain together for longer.

The project was selected by a jury chaired by the director of London studio DSDHA, Deborah Saunt. The winner of last year’s award, Richard Murphy, also sat on the panel, alongside designer Sebastian Cox, Sandra Coppin of Coppin Dockray Architects, and Jenny Eclair, a writer and the client of the 2005 RIBA Manser Medal-winning house.


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