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Michael Sailstorfer

The artistic practice of Austrian artist Michael Sailstorfer creates a space between humor and poetry, a dismantling of conventions of use that is both evocative and radical. Although unreachable, at the core…

Ruti De Vries

The fragile contradiction between discarded materials and immortal ideas powers Israeli artist Ruti de Vries' installations, drawings and animations. Mountains properly recycled reemerge as fire. Clouds that fade today are the…

Waiting For Water

Stefanie Rittler and Sascha Henken studied together at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle and have always provided each other with advice. Currently, Sascha works from Leipzig, designing public spaces…


Freelandbuck is an architecture office based in Los Angeles and founded in 2009 by David Freeland and Brennan Buck. In their work, Freelandbuck often plays with lines in perspective,…

Egill SÆbjÖrnsson

Having spent a decade inside Egil Sæbjörnsson' s mind, his two Troll friends, Ūgh and Bõögâr, have now taken full control of the Icelandic Pavilion appointing themselves as the real artists…