FERRARIA, the air quality hub

Located in Ferrara at Laboratorio Aperto, formerly Teatro Verdi, FerrAria represents the physical interface of AirBreak, the European project that has the ambitious goal of improving air quality in certain areas of the Emilian city – between 2012 and 2016 the fifth worst area in Italy in terms of cancer mortality.

Curated by Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti Dastu, Politecnico di Milano, the hub is open to citizens to allow them to learn more about the issue of air quality through physical and digital contents (phygital) and with the participation in meetings and co-planning activities.



With the intention of modifying the hub according to the needs of the project and the proposals of the citizens, FerrAria is designed with flexible, reconfigurable and repositionable elements. The exhibition set-up is designed using mainly biological or easily recyclable materials. Its elements are built in such a way that they can be disassembled and reused. In fact, there are no glues or other adhesive materials, in order to preserve the quality and integrity of the individual parts.

In the context of circularity, a digital database of materials has been created, which includes the 3d models of the individual components that can be downloaded. This will invite citizens to imagine new futures, or life cycles, with the materials used for FerrAria. Their participation in the activation of new dynamics of circular and conscious reuse on the urban scale will be articulated in a selection of proposals through an online form, and subsequently participatory design and construction workshops.



The exhibition contents are designed to inform citizens about the issue of air quality in Ferrara and the methods of measurement on a municipal and territorial scale. FerrAria will also include panels containing information on the AirBreak project, accompanied by screens with maps and interactive contents. In addition, a 3D printed square-based model of the city of Ferrara will be the basis for mapping projections containing data on air quality, mobility, urban greenery and much more.

FerrAria is one of the 11 projects out of 222 that have been selected by the European Union as part of the AirBreak Project. It’s a place where citizens can discover, test and design new technologies and practices to improve air quality in the city of Ferrara.

To stay up to date and check out all the events, visit AirBreak Ferrara and follow the project on Instagram!


Photography: Plam Creative Studio

Project, curating and artistic direction: Erpinio Labrozzi (Politecnico di Milano)

Project conception and supervision: Erpinio Labrozzi, Farah Makki, Eugenio Morello (Politecnico di Milano)

Scientific supervision: Enrica Canossa (ARPAE), Farah Makki e Eugenio Morello (Politecnico di Milano)

Digital models and multimedia content: Piergiorgio Cipriano (Dedagroup Public Services), Nicola Colaninno, Edoardo Fioroli, Erpinio Labrozzi (Politecnico di Milano)

Design team: Reem Alami, Suada Dema, Ahmad El Zubi, Filippo Oppimitti (Politecnico di Milano)

Allestimento realizzato con: Costantino Corso (Comune di Ferrara), Luca Favalli (iMartini)

Set-up and physical models created with the support of: LaborA – modellistica fisica e virtuale, Scuola AUIC (Politecnico di Milano) Renato Aiminio, Francesca Montaldo, Filippo Oppimitti (Politecnico di Milano)

Communication: Marco Antonio Rizzo (Laboratorio Aperto Ferrara),

With: Laboratori Aperti, ARPAE (Agenzia Prevenzione Ambiente Energia Emilia Romagna), FIAB Ferrara, ARPAE Regione Emilia-Romagna, Basso Profilo, Interno Verde, Centro Comunità Solari Locali, AMI Ferrara, CSV Estensi, Istituto Agrario Navarra Ferrara, Centro Idea, I.I.S. Copernico-Carpeggiani, IIS Aleotti Dossi – Ferrara, Mycron, Legambiente Ferrara – Circolo Il Raggio Verde, ITC Bachelet Ferrara, IIS. Carducci, Laboratori Aperti Ferrara – Ex Teatro Verdi , Associazione Apicoltori Estensi, Consorzio Wunderkammer

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