Born in 1990, the Spanish artist Nuria Riaza creates amazing drawings with blue pens. She has been attracted to the medium since she was five or six, and fully dedicated herself to working with ballpoint pens since she was around 21-years-old. She already worked for brand such as Diesel, Oysho, CNN, Penguin Random House and more.

In addition to the blue ink, sometimes embroidery is incorporated in the image to give warmth to the work, adding small colored details her works. Despite experimenting with other mediums, ballpoint pen continues to serve as her main inspiration. “I recommend that you try and use the pen as something more than a writing tool—to eat it as if it were a toothpick, to make fake tattoos with it, to use them as rollers in your hair, and to draw a lot,” says Riaza in her artist statement. “It’s something almost therapeutic, like how people draw mandalas, and you learn that the mistakes are also beautiful on paper.”

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(via creators project)

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