Born and raised on the west coast of BC Canada, Timothy Dyck is 26 years old and he has been pursuing blacksmithing since he was 13. Home-schooled, he learned from his parents to work hard with diligence in whatever he would do, “because our work reflects who we are”. With his father’s help he built his first forge and he soon became passionate about blacksmithing. He says: “Making things with my hands through shaping and sculpting iron when it is hot, intrigued me. It gave my mind and hands freedom to create and express ideas. I then started to also love the designing aspect of being a blacksmith. As my technical skills have grown so has my desire to design and both have become so closely knitted that they are inseparable from the other. Because of this relationship the process of forging iron continues to captivate and motivate my designing.”
With his Relevant Design the aim is to create pieces that cannot be made by any other process except blacksmithing and at the same time have a strong connection and role in our everyday lives. His latest project, currently on Kickstarter, achieves the goal: The Iron Hook Series is a collection of hand-made hooks with a bold aesthetic – “the hook captures how the once heated iron was shaped by the quick decisive actions of the makers hands, when cooled, leaves an everlasting impression in the iron of that moment.”
The process and tools of blacksmithing have not changed much over the last 100 years and Timothy loves so much its special uniqueness that he spent the last 13 years working hard to develop a full functioning blacksmithing shop, with carefully selected tools from Germany, Russia, England, United States and Canada. “Working with these nostalgic blacksmithing tools motivates me to use them to meet the design needs of today. To create useful, practical items that will connect with people around me.” Talking about his future, he hope to be able to continue and pursue blacksmithing, pushing himself to be a more skilled craftsman and designer, to express his skills “in ways that we all can find meaning and enjoy.”
Visit Relevant Design to know more about Timothy!
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