Sic Est is the professional practice of Domenico Tedone, who works in motion graphics, art direction, and sound design from Potenza, in the South of Italy. After four years living and working in L.A., and then in Milan, he recently got back in Potenza to freelance from a more rural environment. “I’ve found contact with nature crucial for inspiration,” he says to AIGA, citing playing jazz piano and listening to “New Age music—the weirder the better” as other touchstones for reaching optimal creativity.
The inspiration for his amazing and mad videos comes from several things: “…like reading a Saroyan book—I love books, I’m old school—a jazz piece, just staying in the middle of a wood doing nothing, or it can arrive after a good dense espresso, or talking with inspiring people.”
He started working with illustration and graphic design and continued on 3D and motion graphics; Cinema4D, Octane Rendering and Houdini are his main tools. He usually starts directly on the screen but he also said “…if I have an idea, say in the middle of the night, I’ll try to remember until the morning, then do a rough storyboard, and then straight into Cinema to make some mock-ups. This happens 80% of the time. For the other 20% I’d say that things happen by accident, especially while I’m playing with new tools on a program.”
So what makes a dream project? Apparently three main factors, “a well educated client with taste,” says Tedone. The other two factors are clients that allow him to create his own sound design, and those that pay fairly. “I think the concept of cost is a big mess at the moment,” he says. “Many designers are very, very cheap with their clients and that ‘ruins’ the whole system, but I guess that’s the market.
Follow his works on Vimeo and visit Sic Est’s page for more projects!
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