Located in Kanagawa, Japan, near the Atsugi naval air base, the Substrate Factory Ayase is a two-storey extension to a circuit-board factory designed by the Japanese studio Aki Hamada Architects.
The design was intended to mediate between the factories on one side of the building and the residential neighbourhood on the other. “Together with the client, we thought about how a factory should be standing next to such everyday scenery of the neighbourhood…As a result, we came up with an image of an ‘open wooden-structure factory’ that mediates the relationship between a factory and a house.” This approach led him to combine a wooden structural frame with steel components creating a structure that provides an exhibition and events space for the local community. Since Hamada had the desire for the building to be as multipurpose as possible he designed a flexible system of partition walls and facade panels that allows different space configuration and use.
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