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Typewriter Guns_eric Nado

Éric Nado is a Quebecois artist, he has been working with vintage objects and everyday items to create assembled-sculpture for over 15 years. With a Bachelor of Visual Arts and of Philosophy, his work is represented "by galleries in Montreal and in California and has been commissioned by many private and public companies for…

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100 Felt Doodle Faces_becky Margraf

Becky is a young designer based in San Francisco. During high school, Becky had a passion for guitar, piano and voice, but that passion was slowly overtaken with a growing interest in art and visual design. With this project she has decided to sew 100 felt characters for 100 consecutive days. All of this came out…

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Fashion Motion – Esteban Diacono

Esteban Diacono was born in September of 1974 in Córdoba, Argentina. He is a motion designer and during his early career he was involved in the making of many award winning commercials. His animation are usually short videos with a simple grey background and a character build and animated with Cinema 4D and Houdini. With his…

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Villa Argentina_arunÀ Canevascini

When she was only one year old, Arunà moved to a small village in Switzerland with her Swiss father and her mother, an Iranian artist. As a foreigner, she felt that people did not use to interact with strangers and also her mom, as foreigner and artist, was an unusual character for the local…

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Michele Gabriele

The disturbing life forms that Italian artist Michele Gabriele creates through a mix of alien materials and everyday objects offer a glimpse into an alternate or possibly future world. On purple a lake boiling wild, feverish tendrils submerge their crystal cut shapes into a miasma of rotten circuits. By the shore a processor waits lazily…

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Jose DÁvila

J ose Dávila was born in Guadalajara in 1974, where he currently lives and works. His artistic practice is "located in the boundaries of the homage, imitation and critique...", interested in Western culture, his art has a strong focus on Architecture and Art History. He is a self-taught artist and the…

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Raque Ford

In the border between painting, sculpture and installation, Raque Ford from the USA creates colorful, playful juxtapositions that explode and multiply in space. Everything inside each other. Taking shape in the corners. On the brisk of final dissolution. Broken, rearranged. Chained to colors and sprawling miles. It has been remembered, not as it happened, but…

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John Bock

A pioneer in the realm of performance, John Bock from Germany filled the stage with humor, mistakes and absurd objects that tell fantastic stories to a conspiring audience. In the ringing of his bells there is the truth of laughter. He circles the stage and from the shadows produces instruments of torturous colorfulness. Strings are…

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Mariechen Danz

With meditative and mantric monologues, musical performances and installations rich in materials, Scottish artist Mariechen Danz seeks the knowledge and power contained inside each human body. As the lips move, tendons relax and tense again. Electricity pulses through causeways built from a thousand riches gathered from each corner of the universe. Saliva coils in liquid…

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