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mauricio limon wevux

Mauricio LimÓn

Mauricio Limón (Mexico) explores societal issues such as desire structures and artifices of power by employing audiovisual media, anthropological research and re-purposed modernistic styles. There is a conscious use of fragmentation, disassociation and dislocation in order to look for overarching structures hidden in simple gestures and seemingly empty landscapes. Dispersal and obfuscation scalpel-sharp. They open…

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Mike Bourscheid

Each piece of clothes Mike Bourscheid (Luxembourg) confections and wears contains equal doses of joy, absurd and innocence. He invites different worlds and stories into his body and let us dream along with him. There are different ways to wear your rules around you. You'll find shoddy arrangements where different parables and morals are…

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Viktor Timofeev

Not only testing but actually mutating the limits between video game design, literature, performance, installation and whatever else reaches it, the work of Latvian artist Viktor Timofeev is a hymn to constant vertiginous change. Contained in its own form, as a gesture, developing in contact with air, and as it moves and acts its essence,…

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Kapwani Kiwanga

Combining her training as an anthropologist and the multivocal approach of art, Canadian artist Kapwani Kiwanga searches for the meeting points between objects' formal qualities and the complex social histories they embody. We should always ask ourselves how did plants experienced any given historical event. Placed in vases, together with former sworn enemies in the fight for…

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As Far As I Can See_chalida Asawakanjanakit

As FAR As I CAN SEE  is the title of Chalida Asawakanjanakit 's solo exhibition, at Buffalo Bridge Gallery, Bangkok, ended the 23rd February. Chalida is an art student who recently got the chance to explore part of the world by visiting museums and art exhibitions in Italy and Germany. Like a brush touching and dancing on the canvas, Chalida decided to create her work by using mixed-media techniques and technologies, the aim is to…

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Breathing Volume By Canevacci And Barotti

httpv:// Breathing volume is a sound art project installed for "4 + 4 Days in Motion" in Prague, during last October. With Breathing Volume, Marco Canevacci and Marco Barotti have developed a full immersive environment,  where the public has the perception of being inside a living organism. The breathing white walls, constantly change their physical volume for approximately 5…

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