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Doreen Garner

Luxurious and disturbing at the same time, the sculptural creations of American artist Doreen Garner suggest other forms of life and mutation and remind us of the strangeness and wonder of our own bodies. By ribosomian labyrinths guarded, amino acid whimpers and pushes, so eager to please. Court is held between melanocyte walls. Here is Klerokinosis…

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Sweet, Sweet Design

Dinara Kasko is not just an ukranian Architect. Dinara is a young (28) genius that creates edible art pieces. She melts architecture, modern technology and taste to create something stunning. Kasko began her baking career all alone. As designing architectures, when she designs one of her cakes, her first thought is the form; she develops proportions,…

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Documenta 14_undersea Kingdom

The big great whale, Walis Gwy Um, as fellow Kwakwaka’wakw people named Beau Dick , one of their hereditary chiefs, was a maker of masks, a hand guided by superior forces to bring them to life in colored cedar wood. All the masks exhibited at Kassel and Athens have been danced and will do so…

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Michele Gabriele

The disturbing life forms that Italian artist Michele Gabriele creates through a mix of alien materials and everyday objects offer a glimpse into an alternate or possibly future world. On purple a lake boiling wild, feverish tendrils submerge their crystal cut shapes into a miasma of rotten circuits. By the shore a processor waits lazily…

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Raque Ford

In the border between painting, sculpture and installation, Raque Ford from the USA creates colorful, playful juxtapositions that explode and multiply in space. Everything inside each other. Taking shape in the corners. On the brisk of final dissolution. Broken, rearranged. Chained to colors and sprawling miles. It has been remembered, not as it happened, but…

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John Bock

A pioneer in the realm of performance, John Bock from Germany filled the stage with humor, mistakes and absurd objects that tell fantastic stories to a conspiring audience. In the ringing of his bells there is the truth of laughter. He circles the stage and from the shadows produces instruments of torturous colorfulness. Strings are…

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Mariechen Danz

With meditative and mantric monologues, musical performances and installations rich in materials, Scottish artist Mariechen Danz seeks the knowledge and power contained inside each human body. As the lips move, tendons relax and tense again. Electricity pulses through causeways built from a thousand riches gathered from each corner of the universe. Saliva coils in liquid…

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Aernout Mik

Through a combination of video and performances, Dutch artist Aernout Mik decomposes social structures and turns them into uncertain and fragile gatherings full of potential and violence. Come, tornadoes of togetherness. We take on the invisible corridors that would seek to separate us. We turn them into...into what? There would have seem to be an…

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Kris Lemsalu

From Estonia, Kris Lemsalu brings us into a world of provocative transformations enacted through sensual, sexual, comical performances and sculptures. For you, in all your animal joy, is becoming a palace of crayon splendor. All your tricks , mean, chirping, so gentle, they invite my eyes into frenzy. Countless hallways, in each a portent.…

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Vincent Olinet

Always playful and engaging to the senses, the work of french artist Vincent Olinet revolves around fantasies and child stories, with a bittersweet tone of happiness and melancholy. I want to tell you a story, it happens in a far away land where time never touched us, where dullness had no power over lonely…

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