Mihaela Noroc is 29 years old, she’s a photographer from Bucharest, Romania. She loves to travel and she already visited more than 60 countries, with her backpack and her camera. She’s keen on meeting diverse people, going beyond the surface, discovering their sincere and authentic side, photographing it.

“In the last years I worked hard, saved some money and started the project of my life: The Atlas of Beauty.”

She said about the project: “Beauty means diversity and I travel the world to discover it. From Western Europe to African Tribes, from Rio de Janeiro to China, I try to capture, in my photos, natural and diverse faces. In my opinion, beauty means to keep alive your origins and your culture. To be natural, sincere, authentic, particular, not necessary fashion or skinny. Maybe in 50 years all women from all around the world will dress and act the same. I hope my project will remain a witness of my era’s cultures and traditions.My goal is to continue for many years and to study beauty in all countries of the globe, if possible, making this Atlas a project known around the world and an inspiration for all women that try to be themselves. Until now, because of my small budget, I had to choose only one age category. So I chose my own. But in the future, I plan to study all ages and bring more diversity into the project.” A really interesting project with a precise goal, preserve the beauty.

More about the Atlas, here

All Rights Reserved to Mihaela Noroc

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