Hiroyuki Ogawa Architects is a Tokio-based architecture practice that works with homes, offices, public and commercial activities. In 2017 they renovated a tiny apartment located in Shibuya center, in a multistory building.
The 34-square meter house has been renovated maximizing the potential of minimal space. On one side of the apartment sits the master bathroom, kitchen and half bathroom. The other side consists of a large-scale living space which could act as a bedroom, living space, or dining area. Wooden panels maximize the possibilities of the apartment, transforming the open plan nature of the ‘Living Bathroom’ — as defined by the architects, to a private space, which can be partially or fully withdrawn from the adjacent area. Above the master bathroom and kitchen sits a mezzanine, acting as a loft space to further maximize functionality of the small space. The aesthetic unites the whole house and a delicate palette heightens the natural light in the small interiors.
All Rights Reserved to Hiroyuki Ogawa Architects
(via ignant)