Sirio Berati, was born in 1999 in a small town of Albania called Berat. Sirio is a visual/digital artist whose work is mainly focused on video production and portrait photography, but not limited to. His artworks come with an emotional narrative while Sirio tackles the notion of identity. As an art student, Sirio has experimented in many fields of art and explored a variety of different mediums, both in 2D and 3D art. Lately, he has released his first music single.



Sirio finished his secondary education in the United Kingdom and is currently pursuing his higher education in Montreal, Canada, where he continues to experiment with visual arts and more, such as music.

Sirio’s first official appearance as a visual artist was when he held his first exhibition in the UK, calling it “Approaching chaos”. An exhibition of 13 outcomes that differ in medium but follow coherently the theme of identity. With a unique perspective, Sirio’s work channels his own experiences with self-development and culture.




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