Japanese studio Atelier Tekuto is composed by a creative design team, “who pay close attention to the needs of the client, who listens to the unuttered voices of the materials, who’s vista sees through from the present to the future of how our society should be and pursues the most suitable
and innovative solution.”
Almost ten years ago, they realized “Reflection of Mineral”, an angular and futuristic home in the heart of Tokyo. The site is a small piece of land (44 square meters) with an irregular shape, located on the corner of two narrow streets intersecting at an acute angle in a high densely residential area. The client had three requests: for their home to be a highly stimulating piece architecture; to achieve maximum livable volume; to have a covered parking space for their car. The complicated polyhedron volume was the result of maximizing the total buildable volume under these restrictions plains intersecting at various angles. “From this form we named the house from the image of a piece of mineral that is buried in the ground. The process of deciding on the final form was like giving cuts to a precious gemstone – we worked with the utmost precision to do this and result was like a shining piece of diamond.”
All Rights reserved to Atelier Tekuto