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black scene

Young Joon Kwak

With the body as their construction and deliberation space, Young Joon Kwak (USA) adopts performance, film and sculpture to bring new life and productive menace to our rusty conceptions of our own physicality and the identities we derive from it. Pink the warriors of softness, intensified and sharpened brightness to giggle and…

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Ceramic Masterpieces – Ron Nagle

Ron Nagle was born in San Francisco in 1939 and he has been making ceramic art pieces for over fifty years. He was strongly associated with the California Clay Revolution, but the majority of his inspiration came from a whole different world. Nagle has always created small (about 25cm tall and 35cm long), abstract, unique…

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Ian Dingman_illustrazione

Ian Dingman è un illustratore americano che lavora principalmente nell'area della east coast e le sue illustrazioni s riconoscono per un tratto semplice e pulito, grazie all'utilizzo di pochi colori acquerellati. Laureatosi in arte all' Illinois State University , ha lavorato dapprima come grafico e illustratore in un'agenzia, riservando le notti per la pittura, sviluppando progressivamente…

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