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Pattern Portraits

Iain Macarthur, London-based illustrator, started doodling in school and at home, when he was only 8. His introduction to art occurred through the vision of cartoons and comics. Using pencils, watercolours and pigment pens, he creates portraits of ordinary people. By adding decorations and patterns in his unique own way he is able to…

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Jeff Suszczynski

Jeff Suszczynski is a computer programmer that lives in Rochester (NY). He is also a visual artist and an electronic music composer: he creates handmade collages by assembling scraps from old magazines, seeking for a balance and producing a combination that is able to transmit a specific meaning. "I started making this kind of…

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Ian Dingman_illustrazione

Ian Dingman è un illustratore americano che lavora principalmente nell'area della east coast e le sue illustrazioni s riconoscono per un tratto semplice e pulito, grazie all'utilizzo di pochi colori acquerellati. Laureatosi in arte all' Illinois State University , ha lavorato dapprima come grafico e illustratore in un'agenzia, riservando le notti per la pittura, sviluppando progressivamente…

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