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Desert X Alula 2020

Organized collaboratively by DesertX and the Royal Commission of AlUla (RCU), Desert X alula is a site-responsive exhibition on show from 31 January to 7 March 2020. Taking place in the desert of AlUla, an ancient oasis in Saudi Arabia, it brings together a plurality of voices, co-curated by Saudi curators Raneem Farsi and Aya Alireza with DesertX Artistic Director Neville Wakefield. …

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Amanda Browder

Born in Montana, Amanda Browder is an American artist currently living in Brooklyn, NY. Browder’s projects are additive and subtractive experiences which aim to collaboratively build sculpture with the parallel uniqueness of what is “collaborative”. The artist aims to engage local citizens - wherever the project is taking place - with the conceptual approach…

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alex da corte installation, neon

Alex Da Corte

With love, protean association and radical and enticing innocence, American artist Alex Da Corte ventures into the underground landscapes where intimacies and mass-media principalities mingle. There are phantoms in the packaging and handling, each aluminum foil wafer a node for ancient spells, the hands of a miners' son and a welcoming of the future though…

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bones collection

ThÉo Mercier

French artist Théo Mercier rummages through history with a considerate and well meaning irreverence that congeals as unstable sculptures, eager cabinets of curiosities and fractured images. Flattened time, with all the comforting moments squeezed out. Time laughing and in its tumbling loosing its polyped folds. Ground-down-to-powder time, floating uneasily. What snaked its way across multiple…

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mauricio limon wevux

Mauricio LimÓn

Mauricio Limón (Mexico) explores societal issues such as desire structures and artifices of power by employing audiovisual media, anthropological research and re-purposed modernistic styles. There is a conscious use of fragmentation, disassociation and dislocation in order to look for overarching structures hidden in simple gestures and seemingly empty landscapes. Dispersal and obfuscation scalpel-sharp. They open…

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Michael Rakowitz

For Michael Rakowitz (US) architecture and design are tools of infiltration, markers for the sites where fertile conflict and hybridization can occur. As a descendant of exiled Iraqi Jews living in the United States, he is interested in confronting rigid systems with those they have excluded. The invisible enemy should never cease to exist for around…

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